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Edgar French McClellan Sr.

Born on 5-14-1904. He was born in Bihalia, MS. He is accomplished in the area of Religion.
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Edgar French McClellan Sr. was born on May 14, 1904 in Bihalia, Mississippi and was the only child of Zula Hardison and Gene McClellan. He attended elementary school and high school in Memphis Tennessee . He also attended the Moody Bible Institute where he was ordained a minister. In 1935 he moved to Buffalo with his family. He began pastoring at several different store fronts which included, 501 Clinton Street and 95 Spruce Street . Edgar French McClellan Sr. died in 1972 at age 68.
What made Edgar French McClellan Sr. a significant leader in our community is similar to what makes Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. a hero. They both had a dream, a vision to make their black community better. Bishop McClellan was the first black pastor to build a church, taking his church out of storefront ghettos into mainstream churches. Many acknowledge his church, Holy Temple C.O.G.I.C.as the, " Mother church " for its denomination in Buffalo. Teaching his members about sacrifice, he struggled to pay for his church, spending two years worshiping in the basement and selling chicken dinners.
Among other accomplishments Bishop McClellan was the first black pastor to ever have started a radio program. He was on WUFO each Sunday from one to two pm. He also held annual tent services on the corners of Clinton and Jefferson, bringing thousands of lives to Christ. Finally he also served under C.O.G.I.C. as head of the elders council and was appointed Bishop, the highest position in the church. Over all Bishop McClellan was a pioneer in the Western New York community.
Not only was he well respected in the community of Buffalo , but I also have a great respect for him because he is my great grandfather.

2nd Place , Grade 4-6
Brittany Williams
Makowski School - Grade 4

Reprinted with permission from "Historically Speaking": April 2003

Afro American Historical Association of the Niagara Frontier, Inc.